Monday, April 21, 2008

Technology presentation

I did my presentation tonight on blogging. I am happy about the way the presentation went. Blogging is a tremendous tool for communication. Technology can have great influence in the classroom. Blogs can be held for any type of class and is a great way to keep communication going amongst students and teachers. In addition wikis also enhance the learning process by providing a unique forum for the exchange of thoughts and ideas to take place. These are also excellent tools for teachers of any subject to use cross-curricular, to track, monitor, and assess student understanding of teachings. Wikis are great since all students can log on and add information to a wiki. Teachers may use this to post homework assighnments, so all students need to do is log on and and away they go-I have learned a great deal of information that will be useful to me as a teacher. Technology class has provided me with some necessary tools that I will need for the career of teaching. Thank you, I enjoyed the class and the journey-

Monday, April 14, 2008

Awareness on the web

I am glad to have read the importance of professionalism and how much what we post on the web can have impacts on us. I was shocked to find out about how Stacy Snyder was denied a teaching degree on the basis of one foto! I know I will be careful -professional and responsible when posting anything online-

Monday, April 7, 2008

wiki spaces

I am so delighted about all the great new teqniques about using wiki spaces.This will be an excellent tool for me to use since I am an aspiring teacher. This is a great way to keep track of students work as well as assighnments. This is a great advantage for the students of today and educators alike. I think this will be a great way to do a presentation. I will try to use this for my next presentation, since it is much more simple to add videos into presentations as far as imbedding is concerned.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


The more I get thinking about it-I am glad about many aspects of having access to certain technology of today. I like having email as we are able to communicate without spending so much on stamps. It is also fast-immediate-if you want someone to get a message right away. So ,I have to admit technology defineately does have its perks although I had trouble admitting it! I also like the idea that we can share our photos with one another- this saves money for sure.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

we are all creative

Every single one of is is creative whether it has been acknowledged in us yet or not is another thing altogether. I dont believe that only certain kinds of people can be successful. We can all be successful, this depends on motivation, our environment, and many other factors. I just dont think that Technology need be the determining factor in how successful we are- it may help us just the same as a dictionary may. Maybe my thinking is wierd tonight, but I am just trying to make sense of all this technology stuff. I feel it really is a lot of information all at once.

distance education

I just want to say it is quite a different experience going to school and hearing an instructor on T.V. I much rather be in the same room as the instructor of the course. I feel so disconnected in the learning process. I realize this does provide opportunity for many who otherwise would not be able to access education by moving away. I am just not sure if the quality is the same. Maybe it is change, and any change takes some adjusting time.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Our class presentation

I am happy. I did my first powerpoint presentation. It took me a while to get familiar with the applications on the powerpoint program because there are so many. The only way to get good at it is through good old practice, patience, and much perserverance. I found it difficult to embed a you-tube video into my presentation. My partner Vicky worked very hard at it too. In hindsight I would have liked to have put more of an emphasis on technology in my presentation. On the other hand this is what learning is. It is about doing a project like this and having the ability to reflect back to see how we can improve for future presentations. I am more about progress and not perfection. Learning is not so much about getting good grades as the information and learning I get that can be applied to my life for years to come is worth so much more. I know I am writting in run on sentences-that is why I love free writting-I can write without focusing on grammer and access my thoghts and ideas more freely. This is the great thing about blogging, there really is not a wrong way to do it! I am really enjoying the presentations from my classmates as well-great job! I look forward to Wed. night presentations! P.S. Happy St.Patricks Day to all!